
3 Weeks in the Alps

I’m just back from three weeks in climbing in the Alps. The first two weeks the weather was pretty stable, the last week bad weather hit the mountains so we […]

New Products

Black/Camo Leathermans

Facewest  is pleased to bring you a Leathermans Exclusive. For a limited time, Camo/Black versions of the Leatherman Charge Tti, Leatherman Blast and Leatherman Surge are available only from Facewest. […]


Kevin & Rachael at the LAMM The weekend saw Kevin and Rachael driving up to the NW of Scotland to join the other  1000+ competitors for the 16th LAMM at Kintail. They had entered the […]


It’s Too Darn Hot…

The ongoing gorgeous weather has seen the number of knees on display at Facewest rise dramatically. A quick look around tells me that 5 of the 7 of us who […]