This article can also be found in the how to section of our website. Unless you have experience of a particular model or have be given a recommendation then […]
Everest Viking skier Tomas Olsson missing after fall
Tomas Olsson is missing on Everest north face, while Norwegian Tormod Granheim has descended to 6500 meter. Tomas vanished at around 8500 meters yesterday, following a fall. The two skiers […]
Ain’t Cycling Brilliant
I have started work on the Facewest cycle section, which can be found here Facewest Bike Section. Aimed primarily at the cycle tourist rather than racers or downhillers, we hope […]
Good news for Aussie Winter
Excellent pre season snow falls are getting people excited down under. With only a few weeks to go before the start of the season Mt Hotham has reported 30cm of […]
Carneige Junior Tri Club Aquathon
Congratulations to Jon Hendry (our warehouse manager) for the sucessfully organising the Carneige Leeds Grammar Aquathon. Held in mixed weather conditions on Sunday 14.05.06 this event was a complete sucess. […]
How to avoid being avalanched
I wrote this article a couple of years ago for a ski magazine and it has since been republished in Whitelines snowboarding and a number of ski club mags. It […]
New styles and new images
Sorry for the gap between posts but I have been off work with a new addition to the family. Lucy May is now a few weeks old and doing fine. […]
Great Conditions in 3 valleys
Our french connection reports that yesterday in the 3 valleys was fantastic. January style temperatures, clear blue skies plus a metre of fresh snow made the piste and backcountry near […]
Welcome to the Facewest Blog
Welcome (again) to the Facewest blog. After an abortive attempt a while back we are now back on the blog trail. Facewest is an adventure sports equipment retailer. We are […]