This week we finally got some stock in of the new Ambits, as I type we have all but one variant of the Ambit 2 and all but one variant of the Ambit 2S. As a long time user of the original Ambit, I was keen to do a comparison to the Ambit 2 and have a bit more of a look at what’s going on over at

Most of the features below will be made available to original Ambit owners in the software upgrade planned at the end of June. Sunnto have said that they will continue to offer software support for original Ambit owners, after getting a beating for saying that they wouldn’t. For how long is open to debate.
Nice new things about the Ambit 2 (which could be things I never noticed about the original Ambit)
- When charging a battery percentage is displayed rather than a hard to read graphic
- Button lock now has 2 modes. Allowing you to change screens whilst locked but not being able to start/stop the log file.
- Countdown timer had been added to compliment to stopwatch
- Storm Alarm to warn of fast drop in air pressure.
- Suunto apps – Was available on my old Ambit but was more limited. More functions will be available with the next software upgrade but the original will never have all the capabilities of the Ambit 2. The apps allow some really neat extra functionality like predicted 10K and half marathon time or real time skiing speed.
- FusedAlti – uses both a GPS fix and the barometric altimeter to give the most accurate altitude reading possible. Only used when GPS is on.
- Multisport mode. You can set up the Ambit 2 to change from swimming to cycling to running mode at preset intervals. So if you enter your estimated times for each part of an olympic tri then the watch will more or less always be in the right mode.
- Swimming mode – auto lap counting when swimming, gone are the days of trying to remember the lap number. Now you can let your mind wander and still know how far you have swum.
- Power Pod – A power device for cycling is mentioned in the Ambit 2 user manual. The Ambit 2 and 2S now support Power Meters using the ANT+ connection. You can now see power generation alongside all the other data.
Sadly one thing that the Ambit still lacks that was on the X10 is a trackback GPS function. Currently the Ambit will take you on a direct line to your first waypoint in the logfile. That’s not often how you want to return to the start when completely lost. This is a pretty basic GPS function, available on just about all GPS devices and on previous Suunto ones. Come on Suunto, sort it out.
So a lot of good things going on with the Ambit 2, I am going to film some comparisons between the original Ambit and the Ambit 2 over the next few days so look out for that. To see the most awesome and detailed review of the Ambit 2 that you could ever hope to read check out DCRainmaker’s Ambit 2 Review.