Here is your chance to win the latest GPS watch from Suunto. The Ambit 3 Peak not only has a fully featured GPS but also has a barometric altimeter, making it the perfect tool for mountaineering, navigating and recording activites. The Ambit 3 watch will pair with your iPhone (and android in the future) via bluetooth so you can see watch data on your phone screen and phone notifications on the watch. All the watch settings can be configured through the Movescount app so you can change things even when away from your PC. In short a pretty great piece of kit.
To win the Ambit 3 we want you to do a GPS drawing. If you are unsure what a GPS drawing is then have a look at these examples. You can do your drawing using a handheld GPS or any number of free phone apps, I did mine using Endomondo, but there are many. When you have done your drawing please email a .GPX file to jonathan@facewest.co.uk. The best drawing as judged by us will win the Ambit 3.

My effort above is pretty rubbish as you can see, although it does have a certain graffittiesque style to it. My advice is to go as large scale as you can to eliminate inaccuracies in the recording of the GPS track. If possible on your gps set the recording interval to be as short as possible and make sure you wait at each turn in your design so that the track log records the end of each line. We will publish entries on our facebook page. The competition is open to anyone and is free to enter so please spread the word and get as many entires as we can. We don’t care if you do your drawing on foot, bike, kayak or car, although any entries obviously done by editing the .GPX file manually will be marked down. The closing date is 10th of December so that the lucky winner will have their Ambit 3 before Christmas.
Now we realise that there is a huge temptation to do a certain type of drawing, one that was particularly popular on subway walls in the ’80s and always makes small boys and grown men laugh. We know it’s impossible to ask for you not to do this so we are having a separate competition for any drawings of body parts. The best one will still win another Suunto product but just to be clear DRAWINGS OF BODY PARTS WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN THE AMBIT 3. Click here to see an example of a lower prize entry.
If you are desperate for a Suunto Ambit 3 then buy one! If the winner of the competition has purchased an Ambit 3 from us then we will refund them up to the cost of the Ambit 3 Peak. So get out there and start drawing.