I am lucky to be spending this Winter in Rossland, BC. It’s home to the Red Mountain ski area. It’s in the middle of nowhere, but a place worth seeking out.
Well it’s been snowing on and off for the last 2 weeks and finally is getting in good enough shape for some touring. We had 30cm in the last 3 days which has really helped. Base is now between 50-100cm depending on altitude. The resort doesn’t open for another 10 days.
There’s still plenty of bushes sticking out but it’s mostly ski-able now. I toured on my own today. I love touring on my own when conditions are safe, there’s something special about the solitude. Well that’s my excuse for being Billy no mates today.
I have a new demo pair of skis- Movement Logic X’s. These are seriously light when paired with Dynafit bindings. All I can say so far is they climb very well and don’t make claggy snow seem easy. I’ll do a more in depth review when I have skied them a bit more.
It was a quick and easy tour, 500m of climbing then and mix of powder and claggy snow to the bottom. 2 hrs total. Nothing epic but still nice to get out and stretch my ski legs.
View from towards the top of Red Mountain looking towards Granite mountain.